Affinity Consumer Alliance
  • office hours

    Mon - Fri : 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CST

  • member services


Cancellation policy

I may cancel automatic payments at any time by calling Customer Service at (800) 992-8044. I understand that I may terminate the scheduled payments by providing notification to the Customer Service team five (5) business day prior to the next scheduled payment date. This advance notice allows processing time to ensure the termination occurs prior to the next scheduled payment date. Automatic payment termination cannot be guaranteed with respect to notice provided outside of this window.

If I am not satisfied with my membership, I may cancel within thirty (30) days from my membership’s effective date and I may be eligible to receive a full refund on the monthly membership dues collected for that month. All cancellations must be directed to Customer Service at (800) 992-8044. Cancellations are processed Monday–Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST Time. All cancellation requests must be made five (5) days prior to the billing date in order to cancel the membership for that month. This advance notice allows processing time to ensure the cancellation occurs prior to the next scheduled payment date. Cancellations cannot be guaranteed with respect to notice provided outside of this window. If a cancellation request is received on or after the recurring billing date and the payment has been drafted, the membership will terminate prior to the next billing date and the member will be covered through the next month.

By submitting a claim during the first 30 days, I acknowledge and agree that such a submission constitutes acceptance of the membership, the products, and their terms and submission of such a claim constitutes a waiver of any and all refund rights, including those noted in the foregoing paragraph.